However, in the end, it comes down to the difference in cultures. There is a clear hint of domestic violence right at the beginning of the show and anyone who is even slightly aware of it will have a hard time getting through it initially. Though the anime has some enjoyable moments, such things cannot be ignored and bring in to light the need for being aware of what we’re watching. The main character is depicted as a psychopath who goes to the farthest extents of blackmail and abuse to get the girl he wants. This is when the actual story unfolds and then the comic awkwardness begins.īut apart from all the uniqueness that it offers, there is one major issue in the anime and that is the amount of sexism that has been portrayed very casually. The love confession is right at the beginning of the show and that is something that will catch you by surprise.
And though the characters offered here are quite different from most other anime, the story that follows is more or less the same except for one major thing - instead of focusing on way too many awkward moments between the protagonists and showing how they try to approach each other, the anime takes a more no B.S route towards things. ‘My Little Monster’ breaks this genre stereotype and brings two main characters who are both ostracized by other students because of their “special” behaviors. Most shoujo anime setups have one protagonist who is this socially awkward teenager outcast by everyone else and then there is the other lead character who’s more popular and outgoing.